Paper Cutouts on a Gray Surface

sustainable  |  pulp

one of a kind  | pulp

At HEJMAS, we believe firmly, that sustainability is key to creating a great company.  We believe that for the good of ourselves, society and the environment that circular economy businesses are the way of the future.  We believe that economy and environment can be in the same sentence and, in fact, that using those words together will benefit both profitability and broader sustainability around the world.  We offer a solution to an industry that has struggled with shifting production to environmentally friendly standards.  Our solution is as good as it gets, today…. No greenwashing - simply environmentally friendly, sustainable and economical.

Man Using a Laptop at a Wood Workshop

Comparing bast fibre plants (hemp & flax) to trees, for use in pulp production…

Hemp |  Flax

Circle Check

Fast Growth

4-6 Months

Circle Check

Circle Check

Food / hectare

1,000 - 1,250 kg

Circle Check

Circle Check

Pulp / hectare / year

8.4 tonnes

Circle Check

Significantly LOWER

process cost / tonne

Profitable for farmers

(food and pulp)

Regenerates / remediates soil and improves future crop yields

Our forests can do a lot for us

and we respect that…

We believe there are better purposes, so our forests can continue to be heroes to humanity and planet earth, for generations to come…

Traditional |  Trees


Slow Growth




Food / hectare

0.000 kg



Pulp / hectare / year

1.7 - 7.5 tonnes

Barely Profitable

Energy Intensive

Regeneration is Slow

Biodiversity is Lost

HEJMAS aligns with these

United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals

On January 1, 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN, came into effect.  Our core focus goals, in developing HEJMAS as a circular environment and circular economy company, are listed below.  We intend to work towards these goals, everyday, both at work and in our personal lives.

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check

Circle Check

This is our green deal…

Man and Woman in Blue Sweater
White and Green Floral Print Textile

The only global company capable of producing TAPPI Specification, industry standard pulp from bast fibre plants - we developed and patented it.  Environmentally friendly, sustainable and economical. 

Karlstad Sweden  |  Calgary Canada

+46 54 220 87 19  |  +1.403.879.6165

one of a kind  |  pulp

© Copyright 2024  |  HEJMAS Agrifibre Technologies